EXPO REAL 2018 – Rent Index Discussion

Beiträge / Meinung

[su_youtube_advanced url=“https://youtu.be/lJ-k87HN1EU“ showinfo=“no“ rel=“no“ https=“yes“]

The current discussion about the Rent Act now includes a new idea to extend the period of observation for determining the local comparative rent from four years to six years.

That means the objective is not only to take into account the rental prices of the last four years, but also to include the leases of the last six years as well as age-old leases in the current rent index. So the index is being quite consciously manipulated in order to lower it – that’s what we call rent index manipulation, pure and simple. An index that doesn’t reflect the market is no index at all. An index that representsthe way things were six years ago has nothing to do with the present situation. That’s why the index has to reflect today’s market, rather than ancient rents that no longer apply. That’s what we’recriticizing.

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